Reb cavalry take the field - huzzah boys!
Now I'm not sure of the make - they could be Redoubt - the figures aren't bad and the horses very good indeed, nicely proportioned sculpts. One criticism - very skinny gun barrels on their shotguns which threaten to become sawn-offs every time they are bent.
The officer figure is of course a Perrys from their Confederate Brigade commanders set. Fits in rather well with the others, whatever make they are.
The scenario for the next battle has just been released - the third of the battles for the mountain passes - this time Crampton's Gap. Although we aren't actually gaming for a few weeks, amongst the Confederate forces named at the battle are the redoubtable Cobb's Georgia Legion. By happy coincidence that happens to be in my most recently painted units! The 'Georgia Grays' are a rather nice looking unit, which I have actually found the flag they carried and made it up with my graphics program. See what you think.
The officer figure is of course a Perrys from their Confederate Brigade commanders set. Fits in rather well with the others, whatever make they are.
What a grand old flag with the very biblical 'The God of Jacob is With Us' emblazoned on it.
Of course most will recognise the Perry's plastic 28s. Two boxes worth to be precise has given me 34 stands (@ 3 figures each) of infantry, plus a few odds and sods such as another command stand still to be made up (into another Georgia regiment methinks). I've made one regiment in hats, another in kepis and the other two mixed. I confess that they are easier to paint up than most - although you have to have a bit of variation even with a basic uniform - maybe even more so with your basic blue or gray.
To add a bit more variation I've done a few basic conversions on some of the figures so I've got a different flag bearer or two and some are carrying muskets in different poses. And the corporal below at the end of the line directing traffic.
Ahhh, the joys of plastics - slice 'n dice 'em as you please!
Well, that's enough from me for the moment. Heaps more to show when I've done a few of the Sash&Sabre figures up - and I'll give a little critique as well. And then there's the Battle of Crampton's Gap - against hordes and hordes of them thar Bluebellies!!! Might jess sit down a spell fust and have a sip of ol' Jack Daniels before I give them fellers some cold steel. Yeeehar!!!
Doc Reb