The armour is mainly British but includes a couple of 7 Div Honeys. For air support they have a Blenheim fighter bomber, a Gloster Gladiator and a Hawker Hurricane (I have a Kittyhawk fighter and a Swordfish torpedo bomber still in the works!) All of these aircraft are in the colours of the Greece campaign (and North Africa). As before, the collection followed by a few action vignettes.
The Allies thus far.
The guns including 2 x 2 pdr ATs (1 x Portee - a beautiful Blitzkrieg/Perrys model), 25pdr & Quad (another Perrys) and the @#$%Bofors AA (unknown E. European make and a 'challenge' to make - Perrys crew)
1st Platoon 2/7th consisting of 3 x 10 man sections & 1 x 8 man section, Headquarters section and supports. The ten man sections each have 1 NCO (Thompson SMG) and six rifles, 1 x VB (rifle grenade) and one Bren LMG team. The 8 man section (which can be attached to HQ section) consists of 5 rifles & a Bren LMG team under an SMG armed NCO. HQ has officer (1st Lt.), radio and two NCOs (SMG) (or runner and sergeant) with attached supports of a Boyes AT rifle team and 2" mortar team. Other supports are a Vickers HMG and a 3" medium mortar. 2nd platoon is same set up as 1st but under a 2nd Lt.
HQ Company (sort of) with officer (Captain), WO and Sergeant with 2" mortar team, Boyes AT rifle team, Forward Observer and runner. Supporting are the Bren section and 2pdr AT guns (and an ancient Morris truck as I don't have a Bedford!)
The Allied armour including 3 x Stuart Honeys (two Australian - Shapeways models - and one Company B) The 2 x Vickers light tanks are Perrys/Blitzkrieg. The Herrington AC is of unknown origin (picked up for $10 at the club's bring&buy). In the back are a Crusader Mk. 1 (Blacktree Designs?) and two beautiful Perrys/Blitzkrieg Matilda heavy inf. tanks. There is another Crusader (Mk.2) and a Staghorn AV scout still 'in the works'.
Aussie Honey and Bren squad on patrol.
Perrys 25pdr and Morris Quad in action.
Light scout recon in action.
Honey hit!
Their German counterpart KFZ 221 squad to go with my Ramke Brigade para platoon together with a STuG Assault Gun (still in the works). They are my only planned North Africa Germans (i.e. DAK) as they can also be later war Mediterranean theatre. They can also be teamed with the Italian 'Folgore' ('Lightning') Div Parachutisti platoon - when I get around to painting them too!
They'll make great targets for the 2pdr AT guns!
If the RAF doesn't get 'em first!
Hope you enjoyed this last bit of Doc's WWII desert whimsy. Normal service will be resumed shortly - the next post will be an actual game or some even more sensible Napoleonics or something.